“Behind The Walls”

Where to find us tomorrow: We are setting up our educational display “Behind The Walls” in Allonah. Here is the wording on the pamphlet I am printing tonight.
BEHIND THE WALLS Welcome to this exhibition. Please read before entering. This exhibition is normally on display for students studying Community and Disability Services and contains images that may be unsuitable for children or need explanation. Students learn the history of Disability Support internationally, nationally and locally, this exhibition contains images, and stories from around the world including Willow Court.
Stories are from Patients and Staff and should be taken in the context of the time that they occurred. As a society we all excepted that the Disability Support System was the best we could do in the time context, we could think this about the current support system in years to come. This exhibition should create questions about how we support “people” then, now and into the future. Willow Court should be remembered as the model of care we all excepted as “state of the art”. If there are lessons to learn from our past, these building and the people who lived here should remain, be preserved, so their stories can be forever told.
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