Vandalism, the ongoing story

This 1996 report assesses the the Oval Wards, D, E, F and G for their ongoing vandalism. It was described as minor and not causing too much internal damage, however compared to today’s damage the Oval Wards are so bad that any investor would have to consider almost starting again.

The Sunday Tasmanian news paper Reporter contact me some weeks ago asking questions about some of the buildings on the site. This was a story that also involved a number of old and unused Government buildings in Tasmania, all that have been “disposed” of from Government and then left to become vandalised and some burnt down.

Willow Court Oval Wards were one such group of buildings and Claremont Primary School is another. The School and the oval wards were owned by the one person who has since either relinquished or placed the land and building back onto the market at much higher prices than originally tendered for, or purchased in some cases.

The State of Tasmania (over the history) is littered with buildings previously owned by the people of Tasmania and managed on our behalf by Government then sold, often below market value and then left for vandalism.

The heritage listed hospital building at Brighton Army Camp was damaged in 2013 by fire and numerous Royal Derwent Hospital/Willow Court Training Centre buildings suffered the same. The heritage listed building in the Claremont Primary School have suffered many thousands of dollars of damage from neglect and vandalism. 

It would appear that history is repeating it self when it comes to publicly owned assets and the disposal methods Governments employ. Tasmanian Tax payers are often left with less than valuation amounts for these assets, but we are then exposing our Tasmanian Heritage to Vandals over many years.

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